New built house with beautiful sea view, garden with grill and pool is situated in bay Mavarstica on Ciovo island. There are 4 apartments: APP 1 (4), APP 2 (5+1), APP 3 (4+1), APP 4 (3+1) and Studio apartment 5 for 2 persons. Parking for guests is ensured. Diving school is in neraby. We also offer dental medicine services in Split at favorable prices. APP 1 (4) is situated on the second floor. There are two...
Apartment 1 (4)*** is situated on the second floor. The surface of the apartment is 45 m2. It has two bedrooms, one with double bed and the other one with french bed, bathroom, kitchen with dining room and living room.
APP2 has an area of 58m and is located on the second floor. It has two bedrooms (one with a double bed and the other with a double bed and a single bed),bathroom, living room with kitchen and sofa bed
APP3 (4 + 1) with an area of 60m2 on the first floor - southwestern part of the house. Two bedrooms with double beds, bathroom, furnished kitchen with dining room and living room with sofa
Apartment 4 (3+1)*** is situated on the ground floor, next to the pool. The surface of the apartment is 40 m2.It has one bedroom with double and single bed, bathroom, kitchen with dining room and living room where is pull-out sofa for one person. Kitchen
New built house with beautiful sea view, garden with grill and pool is situated in bay Mavarstica on Ciovo island. There are 4 apartments: APP 1 (4), APP 2 (5+1), APP 3 (4+1), APP 4 (3+1) and Studio apartment 5 for 2 persons. Parking for guests is ensured. Diving school is in neraby. We also offer dental medicine services in Split at favorable prices. APP 1 (4) is situated on the second floor. There are two rooms, both with double beds, kitchen and bathroom with shower. In the living room is sofa for one person. Terrace is with view on Mavarstica bay. Apartment is air-conditioned and it has Sat/TV. APP 2 (5+1) is situated on the second floor. There is a terrace with sea view, living area with kitchen. In kitchen is pull out sofa for one person. One room has double bed and the other one has double and single bed. There is AC and Sat/TV. Bathroom is with a shower. APP 3 (4+1) is situated on the first floor. There are two rooms with double bed, living area with kitchen. In kitchen is pull out sofa for one person. Bathroom is with a shower. Apartment is air-conditioned and it has Sat/TV. APP 4 (3+1) is located on the ground floor next to the pool. It has one room with double and single bed, bathroom and kitchen with living room where is pull out sofa for one person. It has AC and Sat/TV and sea view from terrace. STUDIO APARTMENT 5 is located on the ground floor next to the pool. It has bathroom and kitchen with living room where is bed for two persons. It has AC and Sat/TV and sea view from terrace. Prices are approximately, for exact prices please contact us.
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Vybrala jsem si ubytování apartmány Tičic na 14 dní APP4(3+1) hned druhý den po přihlášení a zaplacení ubytování majitelé odjeli a o hosty se vůbec nezajímali dostali jsme 3 bílé ručníky na 14 dní a ani po týdnu nám nepřevlékli ložní prádlo, jak je jinde zvykem. Tak,že ručníky, osušky sebou a toaletní papír taky. Vybavení kuchyňské linky pro vaření bídné! Pokud chcete grilovat uhlí sebou dřevo nemají! Po bouřce vypadl internet a po uvědomění majitele sms přijel až 3 den a zprovoznil ho-katastrofa. Večer pozor na krysy pobíhají okolo bazénu a prohání se i po pnoucím se víně. Tady už určitě nikdy více.
Izabrao sam smještaj u apartmanima Tičic na 14 dana APP4(3+1) već sljedeći dan nakon prijave i plaćanja boravka, domaćini otišli i gosti uopće nije zanimalo, primili smo 3 bijele plahte na 14 dana, pa čak i kroz tjedan nam nepřevlékli posteljina, kako ih još donesena. Tako da,plahte, ručnike sa sobom, i toalet papir previše. Oprema, kuhinjski linije za pripremu prosjački! Ako želite pržiti ugljen sa sobom drvo nemaju! Nakon oluje je ispao internet, i nakon svijest vlasnika sms-a stigao do 3 dana i zprovoznil ga-katastrofa. Navečer čuvajte se štakori trče oko bazena, i radikalni i nakon pnoucím s vinom. Ovdje je već, naravno, nikada više.
super wakacje 2015, basen w ogrodzie.polecam