Enjoy in vacation house with heated (no chlore) swimming pool only for yourself, with no other tourists, only 77 meters from the beach, with beautiful view on the open sea. 3 floors for 10 people maximum.
We rent only whole house with 3 units, on ground floor, first floor and second floor, all with view on the sea. In total 5 rooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 kitchen...with heated no chlorine swimming pool.
Enjoy in vacation house with heated (no chlore) swimming pool only for yourself, with no other tourists, only 77 meters from the beach, with beautiful view on the open sea. 3 floors for 10 people maximum.
V tomto dome sme mali nádhernú dovolenku. Apartmány sú novo zariadené, bazén je čistý a v prípade potreby vyhrievaný, zo všetkých poschodí je výhľad na more a dom je vzdialený len 50 metrov od pláže s ležadlami. Ďakujeme hostiteľom za skvelú pohostinnosť. Určite prídeme znova.
Dobrý den, máte prosím volno 12-16.8., pro 5 osob? Díky Rajchlová
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