Sweet Mamma - 30m from the beach

+385 98 623653

Dear Friends we Welcome you to our home, our town of Rogoznica and our country. We are looking forward seeing you in Rogoznica and wish to relive with you the hospitality and camaraderie spirit from 70’s and 80’s. In challenging times it’s important to trust each other. We want to keep your trust by being as flexible as possible so please feel free to contact us for a personalized price offer. We will go out...

icon Praha » Rogoznica 995km
10h 33min

Mer: 30m

Centre ville: 1500m


Place de parking
Město: Rogoznica
Region: Sibenik


Divna Kobaslic Tel: +385 98 623653 Mob: +385 98 623653
Dans le catalogue de 2015.

Le propriétaire parle:

Ubytovací jednotka Informace Mapa
0 EUR /pobyt
Le prix est pour 2 Adultes, Enfants a 10 journées
4 lits 2 chambres






Apartment no. 3 A3, 2nd floor, has a communal terrace (15 m2)with A2. 2 bedrooms, kitchen, hallway, bathroom, balcony overlooking the sea and islands.

0 EUR /pobyt
Le prix est pour 2 Adultes, Enfants a 10 journées
8 lits 3 chambres






Apartment no. 1 A1 on the 1st floor, has a large terrace (50m2) with stunning sea views. 3 bedrooms, large living room with kitchen, 2 bathrooms. Suitable for 2 families.


Dear Friends we Welcome you to our home, our town of Rogoznica and our country. We are looking forward seeing you in Rogoznica and wish to relive with you the hospitality and camaraderie spirit from 70’s and 80’s. In challenging times it’s important to trust each other. We want to keep your trust by being as flexible as possible so please feel free to contact us for a personalized price offer. We will go out of our way to make your stay in Rogoznica a memorable experience. Rogoznica still has a Corona FREE status and we want to keep it that way. For Outdoor activities we have partnered with Active Rogoznica with special discounts and free tryouts on Stand Up Paddling and other activities. All of our apartments are distancing friendly and have either a separate staircase or at least a separate entrance. All of our apartments will be cleaned and disinfected according to the recommended government regulations. All of our apartments have a grill area and an outdoor shower available. We are located in a quiet part of Rogoznica called Lozica bay. 30 m from the beach, with a beautiful view of the bay. Islands: Lukvenjak, Jaz, Smokvica Mala & Vela and amazing Mulo lighthouse are within reach and visible from our balcony as a perfect scenery for an amazing sunset. Natural beauties and 2 National Parks (Krka waterfalls and Kornati islands are reachable by car & or boat). Find your balance in Rogoznica and return home as a new You. free cancellation, deposit not required until July 1st (01.07.2020)


amenities icons Climatisation
amenities icons Place de parking
amenities icons tv
amenities icons Cour
amenities icons washing machine
amenities icons Congélateur
amenities icons TV+SAT
amenities icons Balcon
amenities icons Frigo
amenities icons Taxe touristique
amenities icons Gril
amenities icons Radio
amenities icons Terrasse
amenities icons Internet
amenities icons Cuisinier
amenities icons Micro onde
amenities icons Literie
amenities icons Les serviettes
amenities icons teapot


icon Mer
icon Plages
icon Magasins
icon Centre ville
icon Restaurant
icon ATM
icon Station de bus
icon Docteur
icon Pharmacie
icon Terrain de jeux
icon Station-essence
icon Bureau de poste
Pláže v okolí: Plage de béton


Platební podmínky:

Možnosti platby:
Bankovní převod

Commentaires des clients

Parfaite 5/5


Lucjan Dzumla

Inséré : 18.10.2016

Fajne, czyste mieszkanie, bardzo blisko morza, plaża przyjazna dzieciom. Bardzo mili właściciele. Polecam.


Lenka Zacharová

Inséré : 06.08.2016

Byla jsem v Chorvatsku již 6x na různých místech - Istrie, Jižní Dalmácie, ale zde, v apartmánech Divna a Renata, to bylo nejlepší. Ubytování exklusivní, výhled na moře, 50m na pláž, kousek do krásného města Rogoznica, možnost výletů do blízkého města Trogir a majitelé byli velice sympatičtí a ochotní. Rádi se na toto místo vrátíme i v létě 2017. Mohu vřele doporučit. Lenka s rodinou.


Lukáš Kment

Inséré : 04.02.2015

Tomuto místu není co vytknout, byli jsme zde opakovaně a letos jedem znovu. Skvělá lokalita s možností výletů (Šibenik, Trogir, Split, Solin, park Krka....).
Dokonalý výhled na mořem, pláž pod domem, centrum dostatečně daleko, aby nerušilo a zároveň dostupné krátkou procházkou.
Majitelé příjemní a velice ochotní.
Můžeme jen DOPORUČIT.